Baker Sage-grouse Local Implementation Coordinator
This position is part of a collaborative effort among the Baker County, Tri-County Cooperative Weed Management Area, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), US Fish and Wildlife Service, Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), Powder Basin Watershed Council (PBWC), and private landowners to promote working land conservation and restore sage-grouse […]
Biological Science Technician
Sagebrush rangelands provide habitat for many species, contribute to the livelihoods of agricultural producers, and support rural communities. Over the past several decades, sagebrush rangelands have experienced significant degradation due to the spread of invasive annual grasses, juniper encroachment, drought, mismanagement, fragmentation, and wildfires. Sage-grouse, which rely upon intact sagebrush habitat, are facing range-wide population […]