The Prineville Local Implementation Team (LIT), was established in 2011 for the purpose of improving sagebrush ecosystems to benefit sage-grouse, other wildlife, and open spaces. The LIT is a multistakeholder collaborative comprised of local, state, and federal agencies as well as ranchers and nonprofit organizations. The LIT is focused on developing restoration strategies that bring together each partner’s assets to identify and develop projects that will strengthen conservation outcomes through cross-boundary restoration. The coordinator will facilitate partner meetings, manage multiple projects, coordinate outreach, and develop new projects based on the LIT’s shared priorities. This is a regular, at-will, exempt, full-time position that serves as the Coordinator for the LIT, in Prineville, Oregon.
Essential Functions and Core Duties
- Utilize strong facilitation skills to foster collaboration and working relationships among federal and state natural resource agencies, counties, landowners, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and related partners to develop cross-boundary projects.
- Convene all Prineville LIT meetings and sub-group or special issue meetings (including project site visits) as determined necessary by the LIT. Develop meeting agendas and notes and arrange all meeting logistics. Facilitate LIT meetings to ensure maximum participation from all partners. Maintain and distribute meeting notes/documentation and action items.
- Regularly attend partner meetings to share the LIT’s work and learn about partners’ work to share with the LIT and develop cooperative projects/proposals.
- Manage multiple grant-funded projects by tracking budgets, managing contractors, monitoring outcomes, reporting to funders and coordinating with partners.
- Conduct outreach and coordinate education workshops for livestock producers, private landowners, LIT partners, and the general public.
- Participate in SageCon Partnership’s broader efforts to involve sage-grouse issues and partners from across the state, including implementation of the Oregon Sage-grouse Action Plan, Strategic Threat-Based Conservation Planning and Oregon Sage-grouse Conservation Assessment and Strategy.
- Compile, maintain, and distribute LIT assets including the Threats Reduction Plan and geospatial data that catalogs information on partner projects, rangeland threats and conservation opportunity areas in the LIT planning area, using ArcPro and SageCon Landscape Planning Tool.
- Develop funding proposals to implement activities and priorities identified in the LIT’s Threats Reduction Plan and other collaboratively developed documents.
- Attend trainings, conferences, seminars, regional meetings, etc., at the recommendation of the LIT Core Team to stay current on new practices, laws, programs, and other items of interest that may benefit the department.
- If applicable, supervise assigned seasonal support staff; coordinate and review work; ensure work complies with appropriate guidelines.