Number of Positions Available: 3 to 4
Job Description: Techs work with the research scientist. Fieldwork is ecological studies with emphasis in plant succession, plant community structure and composition, and post-fire ecology. Responsibilities are to assist in the collection of field data (vegetation and soils descriptions). Field work takes up about 85% of the position responsibilities. Work is in rugged and remote areas of southeastern Oregon and northern Nevada. Office and lab work is mainly data entry and sample processing.
Research projects include:
- Vegetation and soil surveys, shrub steppe communities; southeast Oregon.
- Fire ecology in juniper woodlands and sagebrush steppe; southeast Oregon.
- Influence of fire and grazing on vegetation succession on sagebrush steppe.
- There will be opportunities to work on other research projects as well.
Salary and Housing: Depending on experience and status (graduate or undergrad); GS3 $(15.10/hr), GS4 (16.95/hr), GS5 (18.96/hr). Hourly wages are from the 2024 pay scale – could be 2% higher in 2025. Workweek is 40 hours, consisting of 4, 10-hr days, Mon-Fri. Overtime is required in May and June. A food allowance of $40-60/day is provided when camping overnights in the field. Housing, Wi-Fi and utilities are provided at the research station at no charge.
Hiring: I will schedule a phone interview with you ASAP after receiving your application materials. I hire pretty quickly; often first-come, first-hired.
This is a federal job so it takes a couple months on the hiring process; to be hired you will need:
- Fingerprints (we will provide you with the necessary form (SF-87) and posted return mail)
- OF-306 Form, Declaration for Federal Employment (will email this too you)
- Social Security Card,
- Photo I.D. (driver’s license),
- Transcripts (non-official is fine)
To Apply: Send or email letter of interest, resume, and 3 references to the address below. List any pertinent classes in rangeland science, botany, natural resources, wildlife, and soil science. USDA is AA/EOE.
Dr. Jon Bates
67826-A Hwy 205
Burns, OR 97720